Byrna Launchers are not firearms, but are incredibly powerful and effective self-defence devices

The Byrna Launcher is an incredibly powerful and effective less-lethal self-defence device that can be taken virtually anywhere. Powered by compressed CO2, the Byrna Launcher shoots .68 caliber round kinetic and chemical irritant projectiles that can incapacitate a threat from up to 20-meters away.
Life Safe
Powered by compressed CO2, Byrna Launchers shoot .68 caliber round kinetic projectiles and chemical irritant projectiles that can disable a threat from up to 20-meters away.
Compact and Concealable: Creating the Byrna posed a challenge: packing potent stopping power into a compact frame. Ensuring it fits seamlessly into small spaces—glove boxes, purses, or pockets—ensures its readiness when needed most.
Stopping Power: The Byrna is designed for ample stopping power, giving citizens a non-lethal means to deter assailants and gain time for a safe escape.
Always at the Ready: Byrna's patented technology keeps the CO2 unpunctured until the trigger is pulled, ensuring it's always ready, regardless of how long it's been unused.
Distance Equals Safety: With effective ranges of 60' for SD and EP, and 80' for LE, the Byrna offers a safe distance to address threats compared to other self-defense tools.
Multiple Shots: Byrna's pistols carry up to 7 rounds, firing multiple magazines from one CO2 cylinder, providing an advantage over devices like Tasers with limited shots.
Building a Quality Product: The Byrna, with over 110 parts, is a sophisticated piece of technology. Constructed with precision and using top-notch materials, it stands as a reliable self-defense option.

Byrna offers specialized ammunition for distinct needs. Our chemical-irritant rounds ensure non-lethal defense from afar, while kinetic rounds provide a pain-compliant deterrent. For those perfecting their aim, Byrna's eco-kinetic and pro training rounds offer a safe yet authentic shooting experience.